... And Bootlegs For All

Candlemass - Live in Moscow, Russia, 2005 (Epicus, Doomicus, Moscovitus)

 Venue: CDK MAI: Moscow, Russia
 Date: August 26, 2005
 Time: 45:42/44:35
 Size: 2 CDs

 Sound: B+, AUD, Master

 Disc 1: 1. Intro
2. Black Dwarf
3. Mirror Mirror
4. Solitude
5. Copernicus
6. Born In A Tank
7. Under The Oak
8. Seven Silver Keys
 Disc 2: 1. At The Gallows End
2. Samarithan
3. A Sorcerer's Pledge
Encore I:
4. The Well Of Souls
5. Dark Are The Veils Of Death
Encore II:
6. Bearer Of Pain/Band Introduction

 ÑÄÊ ÌÀÈ, Ìîñêâà, 26 àâãóñòà 2005 ã.